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Re: A DOSBox-X application for the Mac

If anyone has found a way to use Edward Mendelson's DOSBox-X-App, recently offerd to this list, and have it utilize the Dvorak keyboard layout, which in my system is what the operating system is set to use, would you let me know? Thank you . . . Fred Weiner

On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 11:24 AM Edward Mendelson <em36@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
For reasons that I can't guess, some people's software seems to be
treating this link:


as if it begins with "https:" and not "http:". It begins with "http:".
It does not begin with "https:". If you see your browser trying to
access "https://www. etc.", find the "s" and delete it and you can
download the file.