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Re: Request for XY3+ disks - 5.25" drives in the US?

Maybe I should not be stirring the pot but I would lean towards a more nuanced view. Back in the DOS days, I used to work on the same files in DOS Word (text-only mode) and NB3. DOS Word (at least versions 2-5) was very comfy. I would have written a novel with it if I had been that way inclined. As to the file size limitation of Xy3/NB3, it is easily overcome using Editpad which can show (and, using macros and/or clip collection, be made to enter) Xy formatting and character encoding. Again, I am working on the same files using two editors depending on the overall context and file size.
That said, Xy4 is nice with or without the menus. It would be perfect if 
it could be made to stick to the Xy3 file format (no new-fangled codes). 
As far as I know this is impossible.

Best regards,

Kari Eveli
LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland)

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Carl Distefano wrote:

Lisa's post reminded me of another salient difference in Xy4: you can
edit files of up to 4 MB in size. I don't remember what the limit is in
Xy3, but I'm pretty sure it's south of 500 KB.

(U2's BigEd facility expands Xy4's limit to 511 MB, but that's another,
and longer, story.)