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vDosPlus XyWrite 4 Service Pack and vDosPlus XyWrite Update (for all XyWrite products)

Hi all,
This is a special day for me. Carl and I have been developing the Service Pack and Update for almost a year now, and I think it is high time we show the results to you all.

There is a short description at: https://www.lexitec.fi/xywrite/utility.html
When you download the installer(s), start by reading the 'Before installing.txt' in the zip files. It is there for a reason: there are many options you can choose from. It may be advisable to make a trial setup to a new empty location even though these installers make full backups before overwriting your vDosPlus and/or XyWrite folders. This way you will get a hang of what this is all about before committing yourself to the new system.
This may be the best thing that happened to XyWrite since the 1990's. 
Anyhow, this is a different path than that chosen by the original 

Best regards,

Kari Eveli
LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland)

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