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Re: Some U2 questions

I am sure Carl's ultimate complication code page switching is nearly as impressive as Bovet Récital 26 Brainstorm Chapter Two Sunshine Collection (https://monochrome-watches.com/bovet-recital-26-brainstorm-chapter-two-sunshine-collection-price/) when you get it working.
My idea of a perfect setup is static, and the system is designed to 
support this in many ways. In my view, if you need multiple CPs, 
parallel independent setups are easier to handle. Given the cost, you 
can afford only one Bovet, whereas in my case, you can indulge in a 
basketful of new Swatches 

Best regards,

Kari Eveli
LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland)

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Something's clearly wrong with my setup. I may try to start from a fresh 
set of Xy4 files and see what happens, though that may not happen until 
next week.