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RE: manual



XyWrite was indeed excellent at that. I can think of a couple of different approaches:


  1. Use the text tool of your choice (even XyWrite?) to first compose the name list. Save this as one name per line, then import it into the Excel column for names.
  2. AutoCorrect works across all Office apps. Go to File -> Options -> Proofing, then select AutoCorrect Options. On the AutoCorrect tab, make sure the “Replace text as you type” checkbox is checked, then you can add to the list of characters you want to trigger the automation replacement. Here you can come up with your own scheme (e.g., {jo -> john, ma -> mary, etc.).
  3. Use a keyboard macro program like AutoHotkey (https://www.autohotkey.com/). This might give you more control over setting up hotkey combinations of your preference (and can work anywhere—not just specific apps).


- Kurt


From: xywrite-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <xywrite-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of juan tamayo
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2024 9:03 AM
To: xywrite@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: manual


Wow. thanks for the quick and clearly knowledgeable response.

So here goes my question:

Waaaay back, when I used the Xywrite program (i am a retired journalist) the program allowed me to save/paste a string of text that i was using repeatedly.

so for example, rather than trying to figure out how to spell Libya's Ghaddafy every time I mentioned him, I could define the text "Ghaddafy," then type something like ctrl+alt G to save it. Then whenerver I needed to type it again I would type something like control+g or alt+g and the program would insert Ghaddafy at the cursor position.


Now for the reason I am asking: I need this same exact function for XLS

I am typing up a list of about 14,000 handwritten names of people, lilsted in no particular order.

Of course many are repetitive -- John, Mary, George, Peter, Jane, etc.

so i need to figure out a way to define John, click on something like alt+ctrl J to save it to the J function so that from then on anytime I need to type John I can type something like ctrl+j and John fills in.

Macros are not good for this because JOHN would be assigned to a specific  cell -- and it changes everything if the cell changes (one xls sheet is added to another and r5c6 becomes r34c34.

a bit complicated, but i've tried to be clear.


million thanks for any assistance at all.



On Wed, Jan 31, 2024 at 3:14AM Kari Eveli <lexitec@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


The manuals are available at my site:

XyWrite III+: https://www.lexitec.fi/xywrite/xy3-manual.pdf
XyWrite 4: https://www.lexitec.fi/xywrite/Xy4_Manuals_Archive.zip

What do you mean by 'save string', save it to memory (text macros,
save/gets, Xy4 Command Ref., page 3-42) or to disk (save selection or
define (savesel/sad, Xy4 Command Ref., page 2-66)? Or something else?

Best regards,

Kari Eveli
LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland)

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juan tamayo wrote:
> Need help. Where/How can I get a digital Xywrite manual. I don't use the
> program any more, but it had a function that I need now -- something
> like "save string?"