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Re: PostScript Output from XY

** Reply to message from Correo Fenda  on Tue, 17 Jan
2006 16:11:49 +0100

> If you are interested, I can study the problem but I didn't experienced
> serious problem to get more fonts usable with GS (as far as I
> remember...). Please let me know. The hardest part was to get decent
> width tables under XyWrite.

That my impression, too. Moreover, I don't recall saying that Ghostscript's
BIN dir needs to be in the DOS Path. It needs to be indicated at the
appropriate REG variable, but not in the DOS Path. What I believe I said was,
that at one time, the Ghostscript installation automatically added it to the
DOS Path. But GS install doesn't do that any more; and it isn't necessary. My
BIN dir isn't in the Path. Of course, if you want to be able to call GS from
*anywhere*, directly, then by all means... put it in the Path.

GS looks in a whole bunch of additional paths for GS fonts when it loads -- a
list of them appears under the heading "Search Path" when you command, in the
BIN dir, GSWIN32C -?. FONTMAP.GS, in the LIB dir, is one place to add a
new path if you intend to map fontnames to filenames individually; but you can
also set command line switches like -sFontResourceDir=d:\path, or -sFONTPATH=,
or the environmental variable GS_FONTPATH, in order to point at whole path(s)
before starting GS, without specifying fonts individually. Look at USE.HTM (in
the DOC dir).

But why can't you just copy your fonts into GS's fonts subdir (where the
standard 35 are), and that's the end of it?

Robert Holmgren