XYSANZA wrote:Let me outline your problem for the members of the list. In the past, Jesus was an user of Xy3 (Spanish version). I wrote a very simple XPL program to convert Spanish Xy3 deltas to English Xy4 ones. Now, Jesus would like to use U2 SWEEP to automatically convert complete directories, overwriting the existent files with the new converted ones. I haven't used SWEEP at all. Any suggestion?Manuel:I am proving the function SWEEP but I do not happen to perfect it, it was to pass itFor complete directories of files of XY3 SPANISH and with the help of Programilla that you me designed run convj.pgm To turn the same files of xy3 in xy4 automatically sobreescribiendo The same name. Have you used the function? I do not have hurry. He receives a strong embraceManuel Castelao