I too was/am very interested in Robert Orndorff's observation that installing Xy >> works as long as there is a data CD in the CD-ROM drive My lack of an earlier response shouldn't be misconstrued as a lack of appreciation; I stored the message and fully intended taking RO's advice. Wolfgang Bechstein >would be interested in hearing from others whether this solution might be >applicable in general. A peculiarity of my system is that it has a PD drive, and PD drives have two distinct identities and a drive letter for each: I have a PD-mounting PD drive K: or a CD-mounting drive L:. Icon thingummies for both K: and L: are always visible in Explore. Therefore, if Xy's installation system must be satisfied that there's data in every logical drive, it's incompatible with a PD drive. DANGER: TANGENTS AHEAD. The PD drive has recently become a possible issue in my amateur beta testing. If anyone else out there has a Win95 system with a PD, I wonder if a freeware diagnostics utility called Eview http://www.digipress.ch/msc/EView.htm--runs properly on that system. (Please don't post it here.) Come to think of it, there are so many removable disc formats these days, and I know next to nothing about most: does any other kind of drive change its drive letter depending on what you stick into it? ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Peter Evans