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Re: New Enter routine

There is no "Stack" or "non-Stack" version. There is a single version that stacks commands if and only if Stack is installed

I was referring to this:
"Whoops! Inadvertently omitted the code to Stack commands. Apologies."
which I interpreted (incorrectly?) as meaning that version omitted code pertaining to Stack.
> Second, re the speller, what if the ENTER key has keyboard programming
> along the lines I suggested (but with XMACRO facility):
> 28=NO==0>!==1>!==1>{13}$X
This is pure nonsense. Please READ my earlier messages. What part of "The spell-checker expects a single from the Enter key; if it does not get it, IT DOES NOT RESPOND! ... You need a standard Enter key" do you NOT understand?
I read all your earlier messages. There is some part of the above that I
apparently do NOT understand. Wouldn't the key assignment (if it can be
made to work) precisely do what you say is required: send what the
spell-checker expects: "a single  from the Enter key." The code there
tests for whether the spell-checker has highlighted a word, if it has, then
it sends a single , which I indicated by {13}, to the spell-checker.

What we have here is a failure to communicate.

Harry Binswanger