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Re: Getting Xy4Dos Up & Running on T61 with XP-Pro

 Yes, sorry. I meant startup.int


On Sun, 27 Jul 2008, Peter Goldberger wrote:
Prof. Poirier: I have no file named "startup.ini," so far as I know. At least, I am not familiar with it, or with the "ini" extension. Are you talking about Xy4Dos? If it's just a typo, and you mean "startup.int," then you may have proposed an additional creative workaround, for which I thank you. I'm going to try Carl's suggestion first. Will report back in to headquarters later. Over and out.
-- Peter Goldberger

M.W. Poirier wrote:
 If I correctly understand your problem, and...

 If you cannot get things to work in the way Harry and Carl are
 suggesting, _and you are pretty sure what the problem is_, an
 alternative way would be to modify startup.ini on your desktop,
 and copy the resultant file to yout laptop's c:\xy4 directory,
 assuming that is where you've located EDITOR.EXE.

 If you follow this route, make sure you make a backup copy of
 your STARTUP.INI file that is on your desktop before modifying
 anything. There is no need to ruin two setups.

 M.W. Poirier

On Sun, 27 Jul 2008, Harry Binswanger wrote: