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Re: Where do I find XYLNS.ZIP?; dictionaries

In article <199501221359.NAA21982@xxxxxxxx>,
nsivin@xxxxxxxx (Nathan Sivin) wrote:

| I agree with you about the adequacy of the RH dictionary. I
wish a
| more adequate thesaurus were integrated into one of the
| | XYLNS is a typo for XPLNS. Thanks for calling it to my
attention. I
| will correct it. The information document tells you how to

I see. And I notice that I got your name wrong in the earlier
note I posted. My apologies.

One other feature of the RH dictionary that makes it superior to
the AH is better etymology. I forget now if the AH dictionary
even included that.

I'll be mentioning the list to my translator friends. There
should be three or four people who will want to join.

Dan Kanagy     Work: wordwise@xxxxxxxx    Play:
Tokyo, Japan