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Re: Waking up

Patricia M Godfrey wrote:

> And the other day, while rummaging around in the latest Mozilla version

> (looking for some documentation that wasn't there), I stumbled upon a whole

> list of XML character coding that could form the basis of a nice CI routine. It's
> some 8 K. Anybody like a copy or should I just post it?

I'd say post it, if no one objects. Sounds like something that's bound to be useful

to some, sooner or later. As to Mozilla docs, I may have a nice-sized .PDF on it
here . . . or maybe I just imagined downloading it. If there is one, do you want it

The internal Help docs aren't too shabby. I just printed out the section on Mail &
Newsgroups, after I heard some good reports on the Bayesian anti-spam filters
that are available in the pkg. Just this section shot 54 pages out of the printer.
