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You use screen controllers to SEarch for footnotes -- in normal (or formatted)
text mode ONLY (that includes, of course, Page-Line or No Markers) -- as

 footnote set #1: se {Ascii-253}{Ascii-128}
 footnote set #2: se {Ascii-253}{Ascii-130}
 footnote set #3: se {Ascii-253}{Ascii-132}

N.B.: The Ascii-253 has to *look like* a superscript "2", not " FD"!! So put
a 3-byte 253 in KBD and that'll generate a 1-byte 253 on the CMline. Note that
the third byte of the screen controller $tring would nail particular footnote
numbers in each footnote set, if you needed that. See further CTRLCHAR.TXT,
under SEarch Method #3.