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Re: looks like I've been hijacked

Harry Binswanger wrote:
Wow, that's the first thing I've heard about Vista that sounds like it's
better than XP. So one doesn't have to buy Partition Magic, or whatever?
Right. You go to Start->Settings->Computer
Management->Storage->Disk Management. You get a schema of all
your drives. I'm not going to repartition this one, but I think
you right-click and shrink the area, then unallocate the space
and create a new partition in the unallocated space. Needless to
say, back up (and create an image of) everything first. If you've
been using the drive a while, you should probably defrag first.
While we're on the subject, this Acer laptop came with a dandy
DriveImage/Ghost clone that lets you create images of C:\, then
burn them to DVDs. If all Acer boxes do that, I just might switch
from bare iron in the future.
Patricia M. Godfrey