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Re: XyWrite on flash drive

Patricia said: That's assuming (remember Flash's warning about that) that we all
run Xy from C: I don't. I'll swear Robert doesn't; I very much
doubt that Carl or Jordan does.

You're right, of course. My answer assumes the C: setup. A better way of saying what I was trying to say would be: whatever drive you choose to mount, you have to adjust your startup files accordingly.

Which reminds me - I installed Signature from the disks I got from Lisa, and I discovered something interesting. BTW, Luddite that I am, I installed it to the default, C:\Sig1D. Lo and behold, when I double-clicked on a copy of editor.exe all by itself in a folder buried several levels below my My Documents folder, it found and used the Sig1D startup instead of the XY4 files. When I changed the name of the Signature folder to something different, it found the XY4 folder. I guess they didn't bother (or chose not to) change that part of the programming when they got the program back from IBM.

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