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Re: Xy on Mac revisited-Parallel Universe

** Reply to message from Harry Binswanger  on Mon, 12 Mar 2007
02:04:25 -0500

>>LFNs abound everywhere. U2 frame CAL makes CAlling LFNs really simple:
>>instead of CA, you simply say CAL (CAll_Longfilename), e.g.
>>  CAL d:\my path\Really Long Named File.text
>>and up it comes, instantly (CAL is also an easy way to determine the 8.3 form
>>of a long file name, because that's what Editor displays as the filename).
>>Requires SFN.EXE located in Editor's dir

> Wow! Where have I been?! It works great.

> One question: how do I CD into a long-name directory?

 CHDIR d:\Really Long\Bloody Long\Path
"CD" is NOT implemented! If the path is so long that it won't fit on the
CMline, use frame U2L to enter a command up to 255 chars (or maybe 460, I

In the same large family of 8.3|LFN-blind commands, an alternative to CAL is
 CA d:\my path\Really Long Named File.text
which uses a different method. CAL is significantly faster, I think.
Or maybe I wrote CAL, forgetting that I'd already written CA.
Don't remember. Check out HELP CHDIR to see all the commands
in this family. There's a *lot* of LFN|SFN(ShortFileName) stuff
in U2, with varying purposes, but all intended to transport XyWrite
into the modern context.

Robert Holmgren