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RE: Clipboard


It's not so much for deletions within XyWrite as it is for the
ability to paste phone numbers, text blurbs, difficult-to-spell
names and even whole files from XyWrite to a mail application,
another word processor, etc. with only the same two keystrokes
that work in every Windows app. (Ctrl-Ins or Ctrl-C to copy and
Ctrl-V to paste) I use it constantly.

Doug Beeson
From: nsivin
To: XyWrite Internet Group
Subject: Clipboard
Date: May 11, 1995 01:16

Reading the Clipboard thread, it occurs to me that I never did
"get" the concept of a clipboard. What advantage does it have
over simply appending block deletions to a RAMdisk file? Which
is how I've handled the problem of "multi-level undo" from time
immemorial. In fact, I have a little setup which lets me restore
anything I've deleted for, say, the last year or so.
So what's a clipboard gonna give me that I ain't already got?

Carl Distefano