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Re: XPL questions

Reply to note from Harry Binswanger  Sun, 12 Mar
2006 16:39:11 -0600

> Is there some reason why the first part is a subroutine? Does
> it have to be, or would this be as good:
> >JM 2.childframeQ2

It has to be a SUbroutine. > merely grabs the "argument
insert", i.e., the argument supplied on the CMline when the program
was launched with the RUN command. Here, we want something
different: the *current* contents of the CMline. The current CMline
is pushed into S/G 00 whenever *any* SUbroutine is executed. (Good
to know.) Hence, the SUb.

In some circumstances -- specifically, in U2 frames, before any
child routine is invoked -- you can use > to capture
the current CMline. After a child process has launched, however,
 gets flaky. The SUbroutine method is dead reliable.

Carl Distefano