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Re: Eudora (off topic?)

Depends what you want. It is slower (on an older/slower machine) but it
does do some nice and useful things.


At 08:50 AM 6/8/00 +0900, you wrote:
It is true, it is not new, and I would not get too excited about it. The new Eudora version is quite bloated, the ads are annoying, and it tries to be too clever a la MS Outlook. I am currently using 3.0 but am seriously thinking about retrieving version 1.4 which I still have around on a floppy somewhere. Mainly because of all the unnecessary and dangerous gimmicks that 1.4 did *not* have. -- Rene von Rentzell, Tokyo
David B. Kronenfeld Phone Office 909/787-4340 Department of Anthropology Message 909/787-5524 University of California Fax 909/787-5409 Riverside, CA 92521 email kfeld@xxxxxxxx http://www.ucr.edu/CHSS/depts/anthro/home.htm http://pweb.netcom.com/~fanti/david.html