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Re: Fwd: Re: XyWrite history? (fwd)

Carlo Caballero writes

----- The "+" in "XyWrite III+" referred specifically to the
addition of the "A la carte" menus. Of course, there were other changes
that earlier participants in this discussion mentioned, but the menus
"added" an alternative to the command-line interface.---

As one of the earlier participants he mentions, I would add this piece of information: the
additional material for the Reference Guide that accompanied the transition to III+ is dated 1987.
The A la Carte Menus documentation is dated 1988. It's my memory, and I believe the documentation
supports it, that A la Carte was an addition to III+, not the occasion for its introduction or
naming.  A distinction that's, no doubt, of importance only to true XyQuest fanatics.
