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Re: New fonts under Tame?

Thanks to all the Tamers.

I had already found Show All Fonts (and yes, Harry, Itals/Bold/Underscore are working nicely). But
all the proportional fonts were a mess (flattened, overlapping, huge) until I tried
"edge-pulling," which certainly does work.  Now, I have a candidate for everyday use:
Gentium, a very elegant font suggested to me privately by M.W. Poirier.

It's still a little ungraceful, and with Xysearch down, can somone point me to a thread about
kerning that might help? (Google found threads mentioning kerning, but not relevant ones.)

Still, the monospace fonts--now beloved only by programmers!--are a cozier fit. There are actually
quite a few free ones online (try www.dafont.com) though not all are immediately recognized as
monospace by Tame or XY4.

I'm attaching all 71kb of my other new daily use candidate, the freeware Inconsolata, in case anyone
else wants to try it.

Window Edge Padding must be a Tame 6 addition, and jealous as it makes me, I think I'll stay with
Tame 5 for now.

One quirk I've noticed in my Tame 5. Adjust Text Display/Text Size goes to the point size +3 from
where I click: That is, click 12, get 15. A mere bagatelle, but I'm just curious if this is
something in my computer or a programming glitch.

Jon Pareles


Attachment: Inconsolata.otf
Description: Binary data