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Re: Re.: A matter of dictionaries.

On Sat, 3 Jun 2006, Robert Holmgren wrote:

> Ummm... huh? What's the question? Plainly, U.K. flags "favor" as bad, and
> U.S. flags "favour" as bad -- they're different! "All in accord with U.S.
> spelling" means... what? UK is 141,901 bytes; US is 110,464 bytes.

 No. First, after I make the modifications you speak of below, i.e.,
 modify the UKDICT dictionary name to DICT.SPL, and then give the
 command to spellcheck, I get the error message "there is not enough
 memory to perform function." This does not happen when the U.S.
 dictionary is my primary dictionary. So, I cannot spellcheck. How-
 ever, I do have access to the thesaurus, and here all of the words
 that one would expect to be spelled in the U.K. way are spelled in the
 U.S. manner, and it I ask for a synonym for "favour," it defaults to
 what it thinks is the closest word in the word list. If I change the
 spelling to "favor" is get any number of synonyms. And this is while
 using the U.K. 141,901 bytes file. I also tried to see what it would
 do with the word "civilisation." It did not recognise it. However,
 if is spelled the word with a "z" instead of with "s," it recognised

 So there are two problems, a) the memory problem, which may be a
 problem with my set-up, and b) a problem with the thesaurus, which
 is not British in its spellings. As for the dictionary part, I
 cannot tell if it is British in its spellings, because I cannot
 get it to work (memory problem), but I'll bet it isn't.

> The
> *active dictionary* must be named DICT.SPL; so best procedure is to keep
> separate files named USDICT.SPL and UKDICT.SPL, and then COPY whichever file
> you want to use to filename DICT.SPL. Since DICT.SPL can be anywhere in the
> DOS Path, you don't want to leave extra copies of a file called DICT.SPL lying
> promiscuously around, lest the wrong one get inadvertently loaded -- just one
> copy in Editor's directory. AND, you need to restart XyWrite if you switch
> dictionaries.
> -----------------------------
> Robert Holmgren
> holmgren@xxxxxxxx
> -----------------------------