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USB printers

For many years, I have been avoiding USB printers but it's not possible
anymore. So, please confirm that the following guidelines (taken from
old posts) contain the "state of art" in this matter:

Download and install Ghostscript and GSview.

Next, go into XYWWWEB.REG and find the stanza called "[Ghostscript]". Enter
the fully-qualified d:\path\filespec for GSWIN32C.EXE in the variable named
"Ghostscript_EXE_Win32=". It should be something like, I dunno, maybe
Do the same thing for "GSView_Win32=C:\PROGRA~1\GS\GSVIEW\GSVIEW32.EXE" or
whatever it actually is.
Remember: these must both be entered as 8.3 filespecs, no Long File Names!
Fully-qualified (the whole schmeer, from "C:" to the filename). One easy way
to get the 8.3 ShortFileName is to navigate in a XyWrite dir display to the
file e.g. GSWIN32C.EXE, put your cursor on the file, then command on CMline:
SFN. The full short d:\path\filename will appear in a PRompt.
Now go into Control Panel ==> Printers and make sure that [the printer you want to use] is the *default* Windows printer. Right click on it and set it as Default.
In REG again, make sure that the line saying "GsPrnDev=mswinpr2 default"
is the *only* GsPrnDev= line (if you have more than one) that is enabled
(i.e. doesn't have a semi-colon in front of it).

CAll POSTFONT.TST into a XyWrite window.
[Ca SETTINGS.DFL or Startup.int, whichever has your PP table in it, usually at the end. Make sure that Postghst.prn is listed as one of the printers. If not, add it, according to the pattern of the others. Note its number.]

Command on the CMline:
[Where N is the number of Postghst.prn.]
You should run this instruction in STARTUP.INT so that it executes
automatically, always, hands-off, when you launch.

With POSTFONT.TST in the current window, command:
Wait a few seconds and POSTFONT.TST will print on paper. It will display the
available fonts and font names; you can identify them in the Format ==>
Typeface menu because they have an up-and-down arrow after their names
(BOOKMAN, CHARTER, TIMES, etc -- the "standard 35" Postscript fonts). When you print your own files (always using the TYP command), embed one or more
of these fonts in your file -- or make one of them XyWrite's default font.
If you want just to display a file as it looks under Ghostscript, but without
printing it, instead of TYP you should command:

End of quotation.
Anyhow, I would like to know if this alterantive approach works:
In Xy, open up the SETTINGS.DFL file. Near the bottom, you'll find a section with printers, beginning with PP: followed by a number. Increment that number by 1. Then add a new printer on an (virtual) LPT port greater than 1. I have:

LPT2[tab character]c:\xy\hpdj660c.prn[tab character]description
Where I wrote, above, "description" you enter however you wish to name (for your personal use--wording unimportant) this printer. Mine says: 6100 on Harry's computer.

Then save SETTINGS.DFL. Issue the command:

load settings.dfl <--- with the full path, so Xy can find it to load.

Next, you have to do the Windows part of the setting up.

Open a DOS window (Start/All Programs/Accesories/Command prompt).


net use
That will give you a display of how the ports are currently assigned. And you'll use it after we make the change, to make sure it worked.
Now the crucial command. Enter something of this form (using my command
as an example):

net use lpt2 \\Fury\HP_6100 /Persistent:Yes
You may have chosen LPT3 or LPT4 (don't use LPT1). The "\\Fury" is the network recognized name of your computer. I assume you know how to find out what yours is. I don't believe you need to actually have a local network set up, but maybe you do. If so, I hope you either have one or can set it up.
The "HP_6100" is the "sharing name" you assigned on the network for the
printer in question. You can find what it is by going to Start/Printing
and Faxes and right clicking on the printer in question, to get its
Properties. Go to the Sharing tab in Properties. That's the name to use.
Okay, after you've done the correct NET USE command, issue a blank NET
USE and see what comes up. If "unavailable" comes up then do:

net use lpt2 /DELETE (or instead of lpt2, whatever lpt port)
then re-install (i.e., try NET USE use per above, with the appropriate variation until you get it right.)
It's complicated, but if the gods are with you, it takes only 5 minutes
and you can print.
Oh, if there's more than one printer attached to Xy, use the SETP
command in Xy to select which one you want to print to in any given case.

End of quotation.
Thank you very much in advance.
Manuel Castelao