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RE: death to word

Reply to notes from "Paul Ambos"  Tue, 24 Apr 2012
13:12:17 -0400

> A dual argument for the SZ command is not documented in any of
> the Signature or XyWrite 4 or XyWrite for Windows manuals.

and from Frank Brownlow  Tue, 24 Apr 2012 14:42:28 -

> I know--I went looking in my Xy4/Signature manuals.

Just to be sure, I checked Signature: Making The Transition, and it's not
there, either. But you can deduce that the SZ command accepts a two-valued
argument by embedding  in a text file displayed in any formatted
view. For me that command displays "1,1", but if I specify PoinTs with
 (for the type size at the cursor location) or  (for
the default type size), it displays "12,12" (which happens to be my
current and default type size). What remains a mystery (to me), though, is
the relation that the second value of 12 PoinTs bears to actual character
width. I imagine it's a multiplier (or divisor) of values in the WiDth
tables in the LOADed PRinter file, or in Editor's internal WiDth tables if
the PRinter file contains none or if no PRinter file is LOADed, but I'm
only speculating.

Carl Distefano