I have this irritation re end of file: when I want to send email messages composed in Xy, some people have no MIME or equivalent decoders, so I have to paste it in with the clipboard. To transfer the file to Eudora, I first have to open it in Windows' Notepad, then copy it to the clipboard from Notepad (and finally paste into Eudora). Cumbersome enough, but in addition when I open a normal Xy4 file in Notepad, there is always a huge chunk of garbage (from somewhere in RAM) appended to the end of the file. So first I have to select that and delete it. Does anyone know either a shorter way (e.g., to suck a file directly into Eudora from Xy) or a way to avoid the garbage past XY's EOF marker when using Notepad? TIA, Harry Binswanger