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Re: How to put a real comma in a keyboard file command string

On 01/10/98 at 10:12 PM,
  Wolfgang Bechstein  said (in so many words):

<- Time for a really elementary question.

<- I think I must have known it at one time, but I seem to have
<- forgotten: how do I insert a comma into a keyboard file, so that it
<- appears as an actual comma on the command line? I want to put "dsort
<- d,r" onto the command line, but

<- BC,d,s,o,r,t, ,d,r,

<- only gives "dsort dr", and so does



The finest landscape in the world is improved by a good inn in the foreground.
	--Samuel Johnson
"What would life be without arithmetic, but a scene of horrors?"
            -Rev. Sydney Smith, letter to young lady, 22 July 1835

David Auerbach              auerbach@xxxxxxxx (David Auerbach)
Department of Philosophy & Religion
Box 8103
Raleigh, 27695-8103