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Re: Xy4 Setup

≪Because it's tortured. Draft view and the other non-eXPanded views
weren't designed for direct embedding of codes.≫

You're probably right. But it wasn't tortured in Xy3 -- it worked just
fine. Of course, to *edit* the codes, I'd go into expanded view. But just
to *enter* them, I could go right on typing without a pause. Very nice.

BTW, others have mentioned as a solution the hotkeys for various common
codes, i.e., Ctrl+B for , etc. I'm talking about entering codes
that are not common -- in running text, not while programming. For
instance, I could just type  and get a nice equal-sign line across
the page.

Thanks for your code -- I figured out the (stupid) syntax errors in my
routines and fixed them. Now it works just like it should. When I hit the
left chevron, the program saves the view state, switches to expanded
mode, and puts in a guillemet. When I hit the right chevron, the program
puts in the other guillemet, checks the previous view state, and restores
the program to that state. One of the upshots of this is that, if you
type two opening chevrons in sequence or as part of a programming
function, it'll stay in expanded mode when you finish.

Here's the (working!) code for all who may be interested in these
functions (real xpl attached).


This Xy4 program saves the current viewmode state in sv100, switches to
expanded mode, puts in a left-guillemet (programming symbol), and exits.
The sister program, righguil.xy4, puts in the right-guillemet, checks the
value of sx100, and restores that view state.

>==1)!(==9)>CM 		# Draft View
==2)!(==10)>SP 	# Page-Line View
==4)!(==12)>WZ 	# Graphic View
					# Expanded View
This Xy4 program puts in a closing chevron, checks the value of sx100
(where leftguil.xy4 has saved the previous view state, from va$dt, and
restores that view state. The values of these view states are listed on
p. 229 of the XyWrite 4.0 Customization Guide, 1st edition (1993).


Attachment: LEFTGUIL.XY4
Description: Binary data

Attachment: RIGHGUIL.XY4
Description: Binary data