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Re: Fw: XTree Gold substitutes.

At 06:03 AM 5/25/00 +1000, Michael Edwards wrote:

>   Is it really as good as XTree Gold? I somehow have the feeling that if
>something is shareware you can pick up for a few dollars, it somehow can't be
>all that good, because you only get what you pay for. The problem with using

It does all that Xtree does, but does not look so pretty.

>   (Using Windows Explorer after XTree Gold really makes me squirm. But of

Very much like using MS Word after XYwrite....

>   Given that I've used that dinosaur MultiMate for maybe 12 years (I've got a
>friend who finds that endlessly funny and laughs at it, and he calls the program
>"Mutilate" and tells me to get a *real* word-processor), I suspect if I change
>to XY-Write, I'll probably be with it for life. Would that be unusual?

I don't think so. I think most of us feel like XYwrite like Charlton Heston feels about guns.
There simply is no better software for getting thoughts to paper (or file).

But I am curious: How did you find this list, or indeed hear about XYwrite, if you are not a user

-- Rene von Rentzell, Tokyo