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vDosXy with option for C-cedilla

Using the vDoxXy3 code on github, I've built a copy of vDosXy that
includes an option to restore the C-cedilla (and you really must read
the details below before you go ahead and try this).

If you add this line to config.txt

euro = off

and - this is the really crucial part - you ALSO specify an external
font like Consolas - then the C-cedilla will appear where you expect it
to be. This will absolutely NOT work with the default internal vDos
font, only with an external font that maps the C-cedilla and euro in the
way that Windows expects. I got expert help in doing this; I wasn't able
to accomplish it by myself.

This build also includes another feature I found elsewhere on github.
Again in config.txt:

title = vDos - XyWrite 3

or any other string will put "vDos - XyWrite 3" in the title bar (of
course only if you also use frame = on). And

icon = someiconfile.ico

will put the specified icon at the upper right corner of the window.

Remember: euro = off will only turn off the euro if you use an external
font, not the default built-in font.

Download here:
