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Re: Xy as database handler? - Free Xy source!

>But the source is written in assembly language, I understand.

Sure. But learning a bit assembly does no harm.

>Because it's fun. And besides, I don't want to reinvent the whole wheel,
just one small sector.

How much more fun we would have trying to rewrite the Xy engine. Releasing Xy III+ code could even
benefit Nota Bene. The Linux of word processors would draw attention and give new ideas to
commercial developers. The typical N.B. customer is perhaps not the guy who wants to make his or her
own word processor. So there would be room for both, a free-source Xy and a commercial Nota Bene.

Nelson Mandela was freed, why not Xy source code? It just takes time...

Besides Nota Bene there are other good software choices around, e.g. AskSam. http://www.asksam.com/
Check out their SurfSaver product, too. http://www.surfsaver.com/surfsaver.asp

Best regards,

Kari Eveli
LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland)

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