I think you should simply cancel the suspend feature. On
the other hand,
suspending or saving the machine state of a VBox W2K VM is what I do
regularly without any problems. But suspending or waking up a real
Windows 7 machine can cause serious problems, as I recently discovered
when one of my Win 7 machines on my home network lost its IP address. I
first thought the network card had died, when Windows was unable to
restore the IP address. The situation was finally solved by powering off
all routers and connecting devices. Apparently the Windows machine had
caused an electrical malfunction in the router.
Best regards,
Kari Eveli
LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland)
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24.7.2014 0:44, Bill Troop wote:
> As to avoiding crashes, I don't know how to do it! 95% of the crashes
> I experience in Win 7 or Win 8 are upon wakeup from suspend. I have
> simply always assumed that suspend is one of those things that
> Microsoft will never be able to do well even though Apple has always
> managed it well. Baffling!