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Re: Ascii 255, 64k limit, Off the record

> As for searching function calls: won't the /fn switch
on the search command
> do the job? I'll have to look into the code; as I
recall, there are other
> wrinkles. But se/fn should be doable in XPL.
> Tim Baehr

The se/fn command finds the specific function identified
in the search string with an Ascii-11 followed by the
2-character function mnemonic, e.g., SE/FN {11}bc will
find a func BC. Morris was asking about a "wild"
function search, one that finds the next function,
whatever it happens to be. With se/fn, if you try to put
two wildcard X's after the Ascii-11, it reverts to a
normal search, i.e., no longer flags functions. WILDFUNC
provides the workaround.

Carl Distefano