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RE: Millenarianism (was: Xywrite)

If you want to have a civil communication I'm happy to do it. Otherwise,
I'm not interested.

-----Original Message-----
From: TBaehr@xxxxxxxx [mailto:TBaehr@xxxxxxxx]
Sent: Saturday, May 30, 1998 2:00 PM
To: xywrite@xxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Millenarianism (was: Xywrite)

Any Y2K bug is a peehole in the snow compared to some of the other stuff
that'll never get fixed in XyWrite -- like the approx. 4.2 meg limit on
filesize, for instance, or certain table and column stuff. Get real, Ken --
might as well level with all of us that XyWrite as we know it will never be
fixed or upgraded. Or are you as capable of self-delusion as you are of
to delude the rest of us? (Actually, that'd explain a lot....)
