Phil, My assumption is that we are too few to interest NB much. It’s an intriguing idea to interest NB users in XPL. Which really means, in the U2. They actually should want it, because it is a fantastic productivity aid. There are a few former XyWriters in the NB community. Or were. I recall one who worked at Columbia U. Press and was fairly active on this list (I’d have to look up his name), and there must be a few others. Does Tim Baer use NB now? The impression I get is that NB users are non-technical, so U2 would be the selling point, because we can write its routines. (“We” as in Carl.) I would cast U2 as a library of plug-ins, no installation necessary (after the initial change to the kid file to add a help key). Actually, maybe the U2 as plug-ins library could be sold to NB, rather than going through users. The other way to go is to offer NB say $3,000 for them to deliver (and minimally support, at least for the first month or so) a functioning NB qua XyWrite (which Paul thinks they have). I wonder if $3,000 would be enough to get their attention. Sent from my iPad