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Re: Keycode.exe

Further to Patricia,

≪Obvious, once one thinks of it.≫ "Self-evident: evident to oneself,"
as Ambrose Bierce once said.

≪If one remembers all the ALT number combinations, one can still type
them in, as one did in Xy III, only one has to hold down CTRL+ALt and
then type the number.≫ I'm overpaid to remember that sort of thing. I
have the list from the Xy3 manual taped to the wall next to my computer,
and stored as a jpg on my USB Xy-stick.

≪... some [keyboards], to paraphrase Orwell, are more unalike than
others. Notably laptop keyboards, which often have additional keys and
remap standard ones.≫ 

Even among PC clones, there are significant differences. The Mac is another world again; it has keys that don't even have names in Windows.