Thanks, Morris. Nice to know two South Africans can be such serious thinkers on the topic of XyWrite. I've incorporated your excellent material in my personal SPL file, and will now take time to learn and understand your logic. Do stay in touch. Frank -----Original Message----- From: Morris Krok [SMTP:essence@xxxxxxxx] Sent: 03 June 2000 19:33 To: xywrite@xxxxxxxx Subject: shorthand from Morris Krok - file short.example essence@xxxxxxxx Before sending this message my computer was cleared of the kak virus. I have a suspicion that it was sent to me from New York. I am also sending this e-mail in plain text, so I hope that everyone will be able to read it without fear of infection. To speed up the input of data, the shorthand facility of XyWrite should be used. My version of XyWrite iii is 3.57. The qwerty keyboard is the one I use but dvorak should not be a problem. In the keyboard file with the extension .kbd, place the AR function in key 57 (space bar) in the normal table as well as in table=caps. Produce a shorthand file with ;sp; as the first line. The one I use is suppose to contain 800 of the most used words in the English language. This file can be automatically loaded by including it in the file. The keyboard file should also be loaded in this manner. A copy of my shorthand file is included at the end of this e-mail. An interesting aspect is that the abbreviation will be expandable even if a punctuation mark is placed at the end of it; for instance, "bdy," will be expanded as "body," and "bdy" without the punctuation mark will be expanded just as "body". My Shorthand file: ;SP; abo about abv above ac acid acc accede accnt accountant acco account acd accord aci acid ack acknowledge acmps accomplished acn action acp accept acu acute acv active ad add adc advice admn adamant adp adopt adrs address adt adult adtn addition adv advance advb advisable advi adviser aero aeroplane af after affe affects afn afternoon afw afterwards ag again agno agnostic agr agree agst against ahv achieve ai air ak ask al able alch alchemy alg along alge allege alm almost alo allow alr already als also alt although alto altogether altv alternatively alw always alwn allowance amg among amgs amongst amo amount amu amuse ani animal anks ankles ano another ans answer anyt anything apl apply aplt application app appreciate apr appear ar area arn around arr arrange asa asanas asc ascend ascn ascendancy assi assistance asts assists aten attend atk attack atm attempt atn attain atnt attention aug august auth authority av above avl avail aw away awar awareness awk awkward aws was ay any ayt anything bal balance bcm become bcz because bdy body bea beautiful beau beauty begi beginning benf benefits bew between bf before bg being bgg beggar bgn begin bi bill bk back bks books bl ball blc black bli blind blu blue blv believe bn been bne beneath bre breathe brg bring brk break bro brother brou brought brt birth brv brave bsi business bst best bt both btr better bu build bv be cad candor caf caffeine cal calendar cdl cold cdt condition ce certain cea cease cem cemetery charc characteristics chc church chd child chi chief chilr children ci circle cine cinemascoped cir circuit cj change cjs charge ck cook cl call clc collect clcv collectively cld called cli climate cln clean clo cloth clr clear cls class clu colour cm come cmb combine cmc chemical cmd commodity cmg coming cml complete cmm committee cmml commonly cmn commence cmo common cmp company cmpt compatible cmpx complex cmt cometh cmu community cn can cnc concentrate cnd conduct cnnt cannot cns consider cnsc conscious cnsdr considerate cnst consideration cnt content cntl continual cntr contract cnts contest cnu continue col cool colo colourful comf comfort comp comprehend comp computer comp computer conce concealed consd considerable consu consumption cont control cont controversial conv convince corr corruption cou could coug cough cp copy cq cheque cr care crd credit crea creative crf careful crj courage crr correct crs carries crsp correspond cry* carry cs case cse close cst constant ct cut cu cure cust customer cvd covered cvl civilised cvlt civilisation cvr cover cz cause d do da dear dan danger db debt dbt doubt dc decide dcv deceive de deep dea death dec December dep depth dff difficult dffn difference dffr different dhydt dehydrated di@ diet digt digestion dire directly dis discover disc discovery disg disguise disin disintegrate disv dissolve ditg dieting div divide dl deal dlv deliver dly delay doc doctors dpn depend dptm department dr draw drn drink drt direct drv drive dsr desire dst destroy dstg distinguish dstr district dt date dtd detailed dth death du during dvl develop dw down dy day dyg dying dz does dzz disease ea each ed end ef efficient effv effective efvl effectively efy efficiency ehml ephemeral ei either eig eighth ej enjoy ele electric elg elegant elim eliminate elmt element em emotion en enter enc enclose encu enclosure engy energy enl entirely eno enough enthu enthusiastic entr entrepreneur env environment eny energy eq equal er early ern earnest es east esi easier esm estimate espl especially est east estab established esy easy et etc., etg eating ev even evad evaded evi evil evn evening evnt eventually evr ever evtg everything evy every exc excuse excd executed exce excellent excs exercise exh exhaust exmp example exp example expl explained expm experiment expn experience expt expect ext extend extr extract f for fa fast fai faithful fal false fam familiar famo famous fc face fcg facing fd food fe feel feb February ferm fermentation fi find fil filament fiv five fiy fiery fk fact fl fill fla flat fld field fllw follow flo flourishes flw flower fm form fnd found fns finest foc force fr from frc force fre fire freq frequent fri Friday fric friction frie friend frm firm frn foreign frnt front frt further fru fruit frun fruitarian fsh finish fst first ft foot ftcd fetched fth father fts fits fu futile ful fully func functioning furm furthermore, fv favour fvr fever fw few fwd forward fx fix fy fly gar garment gd good gen general gh go gir girl gl glad gls glass gr great gra grade gre green grea greatest grm grammar grn groin grp group grw grow gt get gv give gvn given h has hab habit hai hair hap happen har harmony hd had hde hideous hea heal hed head heg height hei height hen honey heri heritage het heat hf half hi high hith hitherto, hl heal hld hold hle health hlf half hls heels hm him hmf himself hnd hand hne honey hp happy hpe hope hr here hrd hard hre hear hrf herself hros heroes hrs hours hrw herewith hse house ht hot hu human hund hundred hur hurt hv have hvy heavy hw how hwev however, hyg hygiene hz his id idea idc indicate ide indeed ilu illuminate ilus illustration im item imm immediate imp important impl implication impr improvement inc include incg increasing ind Indian inf inform info information inno innovative inq inquire ins insect inst instance int intend intc intercourse inte intelligence intr interest intt intention intu intuition intv intuitive inv invoice inve invention invev inventive io I itru instrument jan January jd judge jour journey jst just ju juice jul July jun June kale kaleidoscope kdns kidneys ke keep kins Kindred Soul kn knew knl knowledge kw know kwn known l will lab laboratory lang language lc local lei leisure len length les least lf left lg leg li like lib liberate lif life lig light likw likewise lis list lj large lk look lmt limits ln land lng long lo logic loi lotions lov love lq liquid ls less lst last lt late ltl little ltr letter lv live lve leave lvg living lvl level lw law m many mac machine magi magical mank mankind mas masticate matr material mc much md* made mdd midday mdl middle mdm madam mds mudra mdtt meditation mea means medi meditating medv meditative mee meet ment mention mer merely mes measure mhr mother mi mind mie mine mih might mil million milg mileage min minute mira miracle misc mischievously misun misunderstanding mk make mkg making mn man mnr mineral mnt mental mntn maintain mny money mo more mod modify mol molecules mom moment mon Monday mor morning mr March mri marriage mry marry msc music mspl misspell mst most mstg mastering mstr master mt mat mtbsm metabolism mtd method mte material mth month mtk mistake mtl metal mtn meant mtr matter mu must mucsl MucuslessDietHealingSystem mv move myf myself n in nad and nat nation ncr nature ncrl natural ncst necessity ncsy necessary nd and ne near neg neglect nei neither neig neighbour neu neuralgia ni night nm name nml normal nne nine nou nourish nov November nr narrow nrt north nt not nte note ntg nothing nto into ntrs nutrients num number nutri nutritional nv never nvt nevertheless, nw now nx next o our obj object obs obsolete oc o'clock occ occasion ocr occur oct October oe one ofc of course ofi office ofr offer oi oil ol old omi omit onc once onl only op open opp opportunity ora orange ord order org organ ori original orn ornament osv ourselves otr other otrw otherwise ou out ov over ovbn overburden ow own oxy oxygen pagea pageantry pala palate pas past pat patient pdc product pdcs products pef perfect peft perfection pend pendulum perc perceive perh perhaps pers persevere perv pervert phil philosophical pho photograph pj page pl plan plbl pliable plc place plcg placing ple plea pls please plsu pleasure ply play pmp prompt pnt point po post pof professional poi poison poid poisoned pos posture ptt potato potn potential pou pounds pp paper ppl people pr- part pra prana prai praise prbb probably prc price prct percent prd produce pre preserve prec precede prev previous prevl prevail prf prefer prh perhaps pri period prm promise prob problem proc procure prp prepare prts practise pru prudery prv prevent ps pose psb possible psh push pso person psol personal pss possess pst position pstt pastime pt put ptic particular ptly partially pty party puc purchase pur purpose pv prove pw power py pay qc quick qe quiet qlt quality qs question qt quite qtt quantity r are ra rather rath rather rc reach rcp receipt rcpb receptable rcpt receipt rcv receive rd read re red rea reason rec receive recom recommendation rect reactions reg regard rej rejuvenate rem remain reqs requires res reside resb reasonably rese research rg/ regard ri right rk record rl relate rll really rm remain rmm remember rmv remove rn round ro road roo room rp reply rpo report rpt repeat rq request rst rest rstr restrict rt remit ru return rv revolve rvt revolution rz result sa same sate satellite satf satisfied satu Saturday sb subject sbs substitute sc such scc succeed sch school sci science scie scientific scn scenery sco social scrd sacred scs success scu secure sd should sdt sedate sec secret secr secretive sem seem seo second sep septic sept September ses season sexu sexual sez seize sf self sffi sufficient sgg suggestion sgl single sgt sight sh shall sha shame shat shatkarmas shi shine shn shown sho should shr short sht sheet si side sig significance sil silence sim simple simi similar simu simultaneously sitg sitting siu situation sk seek sl sell slb salable slc select sle sleep slv selves sm some sma small sml similar smm summer smn semen smtg something smti sometimes sn send snc since snd sound snr sooner sns sense sny Sunday sof soft sol solution soo soothing sp ship spcf specification spcl special spd speed spdw speedword spg spring spl supple spm shipment spp supply spr sprouts sps suppose sr serious sre sincere srp surplus srt short sry sorry sst sister sstm system st* state sta stay star staring std stand ste seat stg strong sti still stk strike stm statement stns stones sto stroke stp step stre stretching strn strength stt start stu student stum stumbled sty study su sun subs substance sucsn succession suf suffer sui suitable supp suppress sur sure surg surgeon suvv survival sv serve sva several svc service svn seven sw sweet swn sweetness sx six sxu sexual sy say sym symptom sysm system t the ta they taht that tau taught tb table tc thick tch touch te teeth tech technological teh the tel tell tenf tenderfoot tfr therefore, tg thing tge together tgt thought th there thby thereby thi thigh thin thinking thk thank thn then tho though thoro thorough thr three thro through throt throughout ths thousand thu Thursday ti time tir their tk take tkn taken tl talk tls tailors tm them tmp temple tmpr temperature tmpry temporary tmr tomorrow tms terms tmt tomatoes tmv themselves tn than tng thing tni tonight tod today tox toxic toz those tp type tpcl therapeutical tq think tr try tran transparent tran transpire trchs treacherous tre trade trea treatment tri third trib tribulation triu triumph trl truly trmu transmuted trn transport trt truth tru trouble trv travel ts this tst thirst tstc testicles tt that tu turn tue Tuesday tw two twn town tws towards tx text ty twenty typ typical tz these u usual uc uric ufd unfired un under unas unasked undst understood unecsr unnecessary uni universal unl unless unst understand unt until untn undertaken unu undue uo upon ur urea usu usually ut utmost uz use v of vac vacuum var various vcm victim vcs vicious ve veil veg vegetable veh vehicle vi view vic victory vici vicious vii visit vio violent vis visible vlu value vnd ventilated vo voice vol volume voya voyager vtl vital vtr veteran vv vice versa vy very w was wa war wat what wc which wd would wde wonder wea weather wegt weight wen Wednesday wer winter wh where whc whence whl whole whls wholesome wi while wind windows wk week wl well wm whom wmn woman wn when wnd wound wnt want wo who wrod wordprocessing wov whoever wr were wrd word wri write wrk work wrl world wry worry wsa was wst waste wt with wth whether wti white wtn within wto without wtr water wtst withstood wtv whatever wy way wz wise y you yg yoga yi yield yn young yout youthfulness yr year ys yes ysf yourself yst yesterday yt yet yu your z is≪application/ms-tnef≫