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Re: AutoReplace Need HELP

** Reply to note from John Gordon 
05/11/95 1:39pm  +0800
 > In Xy3+ we could  > take the author's article on disk,
convert to XyW, then run the speller on  > it and XyW would
change the "misspelled" words automatically, and almost  >
instantly. With Xy4 and XyWin it seems only possible to change
the words  > *as you type*, making the speller useless for
doing the sort of corrections  > we require on an already
complete manuscript.
 Well, autoreplace is the wrong concept here; that is for "as
you type". What  you need is a file to serve as the
"spell.tmp" for a running of the CORRECT  command. Depending
on your situation, there are two ways to do it: 1. Construct a
file, call it autoaus.spl that looks like: labor labour
recognize recognise ...  etc.
 I infer you already have this file. For each manuscript file,
let's say the  name is manu1.txt, put at the top of autoaus.spl
the line:  ≪MDRV≫d:\manu\manu1.txt≪MDNM≫     [or
whatever the path etc. is] Then go to the command line and type:
correct autoaus.spl That's it. Obviously you can automate this
a bit in XPL by keeping grabbing  the file name, and creating a
file with that name in reverse mode and  appending your autoaus.spl file.
 2. If you do normal spell checking as well, you can do a
variant of the  above. Do: spell manu1.txt (without the file
on the screen). This generates a file named spell.tmp that
contains all the alleged  misspellings. Erase from it proper
names that are really OK. Append your  autoaus.spl list. Note
that this spell.tmp already has its target filename  at the
top. Run correct.


 David Auerbach
    auerbach@xxxxxxxx Department of Philosophy &
Religion NCSU     Box 8103 Raleigh, NC 27695-8103