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Re: Memorizing/Returning to Cursor Position

Reply to note from Nathan Sivin  Sat, 03 Mar
2001 09:18:22 -0500

> Carl's idea of putting the visible marker in an NT or LB delta
> is interesting, but I am too simple-minded to understand how a
> SE command is going to find a note or label by its content it
> if you are working on pseudo-WYSIWYG-substitute mode.

I did mention that this method works in any display mode. And it
does. If you use , the SEarch command should be for the
entire entity, including guillemets, not just {223}; SE "{223}"
works in Xy4 but not in XyWin WYSIWYG diplay modes.

> The point of using visible bookmarks is to keep them visible no
> matter what mode you are working in.

If that's the point, then LaBels or NoTes are not for you. But if
the point is to be able to express the cursor to saved positions,
then weigh visibility against the advantage of not putting
extraneous marks in text and the convenience of not having to delete
those marks every time you print. The choice is yours.

Carl Distefano