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Re: file size limitations/out of memory error msg

I would like to offer a work-around to the problem. Users of Xy3 might want to consider an alternative approach to large directories, one that allows them to continue to use the point-and-shoot technique for opening files. I offered some advice in a previous note about a file manager named Salamander that can be configured in a way that allows users of Xy4 or Xy3 to open files with long names. The program supplies a dos alias, allowing Xy3 and Xy4 to open the file. However it does favor the use of the windowed mode rather than the full-screen mode. Version 1.52 (I believe) is free and should not be too hard to find. It is at least one way of extending the power of our favorite word-processor. I hope this helps.

Robert Grigg

At 06:22 PM 6/2/2005, you wrote:
Never mind. I just tested BIGDIR.PM in Xy3 (v3.55 and v3.58B).
Both versions bomb, due to a bug in Editor's handling of the "any
character" wildcard (reverse-video "X"). The damn thing changes the
filenames to literal X's! The second version cured that problem in
NB3 (tested by one user), but not in Xy3. If any of you Xy3 mavens
can get that CI command to work, or find a workable substitute for
it, be my guest. I've lost interest.

Carl Distefano