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Re: DOS Windos vs. Full screen, ...and Fonts

M.W. Poirier wrote:
 Unless I am completely mistaken about the meaning of "full screen"
 and "DOS window," then I think I am talking about "full screen
 fonts" in file FONTED30, that is to say, _not_ fonts that are seen
 from within a DOS Window while still within Windows9x, and where
 the tool bar at the top of the screen is still visible and active,
 but fonts that are seen after one presses Alt-Enter, and all signs
 of Windows OS disappear from the screen, and one has a virtually
 blank screen, except for the Microsoft logo and the C prompt. This
 latter screen is what I mean by "full screen," and the former is a
 DOS window within Windows9* and XP too, as I understand it. And so
 what I am saying is that I've found a pleasant font for "full screen"
 in the package FONTED30. I am thankful to Robert for this. Now
 it would be nice to find pleasant font for a DOS Window under XP,
 which I think is going to be more difficult.

 M.W. Poirier
I have a couple of fonts for windowed mode (XyWrite in a Windows window)
customized for my resolution of choice (1280x1024) in order to fill the
whole screen: one of them is for Ansified XyWrite (25 lines); the other
one is for standard XyWrite (28 lines). Unfortunately, they are not
usable at lower resolutions because the characters look enormous. In a
near future (if I am less busy than now) I can attempt to build a font
for standard XyWrite at lower resolutions. So, I would like to know if
1024x768 would be OK (I suppose it's the usual resolution for the
members of the list). Am I right?
Manuel Castelao