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Re: Xy-OS/2 shell question

On Fri, 11 Sep 1998 12:44:03 EST, Robert Holmgren wrote:

>When I run your command, I get a windowed session of E.EXE in the foreground
>on the Desktop, and E.EXE is editing file NEWS. That's what I would expect;
>that's what you're asking for. What do you expect, or rather want, to happen,
>to "have it run just as I wish"?

For it to work as it is for you. Something is odd in my system, and
I've got to go through smartset and see what it is. I'm no longer
shifting focus to the full-screen CMD session, but then once e.exe is
called up I seem to be returned to my Xy session, and e.exe is
underneath everything else on the desktop (last in z-order?). Right
now I've kludged the script to wait until it's started e.exe and then
to SWitch to it, and that mostly seems to work.

But ignore me for the moment, because I suspect the issue has come
about because of some vestigal excrescences. When I switched to Warp4,
although I think I went through my smartset file and changed references
to D: to K:, I may not have gotten everything -- come to think of it,
I'm not even sure which O2.cmd file is being used.  So, before I raise
the issue again I'm just going to have to spend a couple of minutes
going through and trimming.

Can you just remind me, what I'm looking for:


...also if I've got (don't even know if it's possible) multiple
iterations in both my smartset.u2 file and a cmd or batch file, which
one will pick things up first?
