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RE: How do I get updated?

From: 	Eric Van Tassel[SMTP:101233.342@xxxxxxxx]
Sent: 	Thursday, May 01, 1997 5:35 PM
To: 	XyWrite_mailing_list
Subject: 	How do I get updated?

Can someone tell me (a) what *is* the latest version of XyWin and of XyDos; and
(b) how do I get upgraded from out here in the wilderness?

						Eric Van Tassel
Dear Mr. Van Tassel,

The latest versions are: 4.12 for Xywin and 4.017 for Xydos.

The easiest way to order the updates is to have your serial No./resistration no., and a VISA or MC
card available. Then call The Technology Group at 410 576-2040. It can be done by mail with a
check, but the check would have to be for the correct amount. The cost is $29.95 each and if you
are outside the continental US, shipping and handling charges are added.

Thank you for your support.

George Buschman
The Technology Group