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Re: In with the New

Reply to note from Leslie Bialler  Mon, 20 Jul
1998 16:33:26 -0400

-> I think it would be majorly useful to have an XPL routine that
-> would in effect take the already wonderful search across files
-> Xy command, and make it even more efficient, and therefore
-> useful not only for searching but also for replacing.


I wrote something last year that enhances the SEarch-across-files
function. What it does, in a nutshell, is to make it more like an
single-file search. The cursor moves to each occurrence of the
search term, with an option to stop and edit along the way. There
is no replace feature, however.

I never posted it to XyWWWeb because it has some bugs that I wanted
to quash, something I never got around to doing. But, frankly, it's
not bad as-is; it's totally replaced the native command for me.

I have no present plans to develop it further, but you're welcome to
try it for size. I've posted it to my "beta" and miscellaneous
page, http://users.datarealm.com/ammaze/xfer/. The file to grab is

Carl Distefano