I am confused as to what I did wrong in trying to use xywwweb.u2 and would
appreciate advice as to where I went wrong.
I started out by downloading xyweb117.zip to a directory called
c:\xyu2. I then also downloaded xy4dlg.zip to the directory c:\xyu2.
I then used windows explorer to extract the files from xyweb117.zip. That
procedure created a subdirectory under c:\xyu2 called c:\xyu2\xyweb117 which
contained 6 files. these 6 files were
307472 1-31-104 5:51am
README 1ST 19220 3-07-104 4:23pm XYREG117 UPD 850 3-06-104 3:17pm XYWWWEB U2 734683 3-07-104 4:21pm XYWWWEB INF 632000 3-07-104 4:28pm XYWWWEB REG 12564 3-06-104 3:15pm I then used windows explorer to extract the files from xydlg.zip. That procedure created a subdirectory under c:\xyu2 called c:\xyu2\xy4dlg which contained 1 file. The one file was XY4.DLG 775404 2-29-104 11:09am.
Next I went to the command prompt, typed echo %path% and found that d:\windows was the first directory in my path. I then copied kmd.exe from c:\xyu2\xyweb117 to d:\windows. Not wishing to take any chance of messing up my Xywrite program which is located in a directory on my c: drive called \xy4 I created a new directory on my c drive called c:\u2xy. I copied all of the files in c:\xy4 to c:\u2xy. In all there were 266 files copied included Editor.exe, startup.int xywrite seems to work perfectly fine when started from the editor in the u2xy directory I then copied XYREG117.UPD,XYWWWEB.U2,XYWWWEB.INF,and XYWWWEB.REG into the
\U2xy directory from the c:\xyu2\xyweb117 directory. Was this a
I am confused by the reference in the readme.1st file about cURL. is
it only for xyweb116 or for xyweb117 as well. Also what is cURL.
Also what is the REGEDIT command. Last week it was explained on the xylist that the Registry referred to on the website is not the registry of windows but the registry of xywrite. when in confusion I had typed [REGEDIT "d:\path\XYREG117.UPD"] and then hit the f1 key, it called up the help menu. Was this the correct procedure to call up the Xywwweb.u2. IF it is where do I go to get an explanation of what I am doing. I called up xywwweb.reg and was in over my head. Where do I find an
explanation of what those items are so that I can fill them in.
Thanks for the help.
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