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Re: Code Page strait jacket (?)

Jordan, see also Robert's post of Feb 1 of this year, explaining why
code Page 1252 is the coming standard.
Tangentially relevant to Jordan's point is the question of keyboard
entry of accented letters. As I use them a lot, I long ago decided to
use not the standard American English keyboard under Windows, but the US
International. With that, I can put accents on letters using the `, ',
and quote mark keys for grave, accute, and umlaut/diaeresis. Of course,
if I want to enter a backward single quote, an apostrophe, or a double
quote, I have to remember to hit the space bar after it if the letter
that follows is one that could take that accent. But that is a small
price to pay. Then, in XyWrite, I mapped those accents to the same keys
in Table Ctrl (CTRL-Shift for the double quotes for umlaut/diaeresis).
Easy for both hands and mind to remember. But, of course, I go crazy
typing on other people's systems that have the standard US keyboard.
With any code page, you are going to have problems when a file is
transferred from one system to another, whether by sneakernet, flash
drive, or e-mail. For example, a Greek lowercas sigma, typed on a Mac
and sent in an e-mail to a PC, ends up appearing like, IIRC, an e grave.
Patricia M. Godfrey