Chris; I thought that I would tell you that I seem to have fixed my little problem with the block text functions, etc. running under Desqview. I simpley increased the size of my disk cache (I re-installed it after I had made certain it wasn't the problem), and dropped the MX command. This seems to have worked quite well. As far as the actual cause of the problem, I really can't tell you, I really never was able to pin it down, it was too sparatic. All that I can do is chalk it up to system weirdness and continue. At any rate, thanks for all you help. By the looks of things on this board, you should have a sword to fend off all the groans that I see around here. Some demanding that the programme be made Windows compatable, etc. You have great patience, I would have wormed the whole lot years ago. I bet you get good distress benifits out of this. I, myself don't really use Windows if I can possibly help it so I have no complaints. Well toodly-doo; Carter. P.S. When the hell are you guys going to implement the screen reversal function you promised, I've been waiting years for that!!!