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≪ If Xy/XW has been dying, then this product promises to be the Phoenix.
≫ --Stephen Shaw

Great news, Steve. Protracted dead air from Charm City had shaken
my faith.

For anyone who can wait no longer for twpfkaxyW's promised www features,
I've written a xyW2html system that converts designated xyDos 3 and 4
formatting to html tags, intended for users committed to CMline xyWrite
(I've nothing against xyWin, just haven't tested xyW2html in that
environment). The same xpl works for both (obviously, it's not optimized
for v4), but supporting v3 and 4 xyW2html files differ. The bad news is
that--in the great xyWrite tradition--if your tagging is complex the
system is demanding. Not for everyone.

I'll publish xyW2html after I'm sure no bugs are lurking that I haven't
detected in my rather extensive testing. Anyone who wants to hasten that
day by trying the beta may contact me *by email* (indicate whether you
use xyDos 3 or 4 or both). Those attracted to gui word processors should
not waste their time or mine: The system requires typesetterly
concentration and gui html editors are abundant. ... Ciao. 	--a

============================= adpFisher  nyc