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Re: Edit FootNote

Maben, Manuel et al.:

Here are some finishing touches to EFN, including a Help screen.

The new U2 frame and the Help screen are encoded in two separate
blocks below. First-time users should decode the first block
(DECODE), then DeFine it and issue ADD2U2 to add
it to U2. If you've used an earlier version of EFN, please replace
it with this one, then issue LOADHELP to reload U2.

DECODE the second block (the Help screen) and CoPy it into
XYWWWEB.INF (bottom of file is OK). STore XYWWWEB.INF.
Thereafter, HELP EFN will summon the Help screen.

The basic usage is unchanged. But there are some new features,
wrinkles and tips, so please read the Help screen to take full
advantage of the revised routine.


Part 1 -- U2 frame:

b-gin [UNTITLED]
{{;5efn*,efn#*}} Edit footnote in separate window [CLD rev. 3
/10/05][cr|lf]{002}{<}IF0+{<}VA$WS{>}<>1{>}{<}PRNo file{>}{<}
EX{>}{<}EI{>}[BX_]es 1[Q2_]{<}SV56,1{>}{<}SX57,@upr({<}VA$FR{
>}{<}PRSource cannot be Untitled or secondary copy{>}{<}EX{>}
=="0"{>}{<}GT58{>}[AS_]{<}PRMove cursor onto footnote, switch
 back to this window & try again{>}{<}EX{>}{<}EI{>}[JM_]2.ef[
Q2_]{<}EI{>}[JM_]2.dfa[Q2_];*;[cr|lf][BX_]gofile {<}PV57{>}[Q
2.ef[Q2_]{<}PRNote inserted - File not SAved{>}{<}EX{>}{<}EI{
}<>{<}IS57{>}{>}[BX_]gofile {<}PV57{>}[Q2_]{<}IF@not({<}ER{>}
){>}{<}PREFN.SAV is open. ABort or STore it before editing an
other note{>}{<}EX{>}{<}EI{>}[GT_]{<}GT58{>}{<}IF{<}VA$TR{>}<
>"0"{>}{<}IF0+{<}VA$WA{>}<1{>}{<}PRNo window{>}{<}EX{>}{<}EI{
dfa[Q2_]{<}IF0+{<}VA$WA{>}<1{>}[YD_][XD_]{<}PRNo window{>}{<}
EX{>}{<}EI{>}[JM_]2.cut[Q2_][BX_]sa/nv {<}PV57{>}[Q2_][AS_][J
[JM_]2.ReJuMP[Q2_]{<}EI{>}[AS_]{<}PREdit EFN.SAV. When done,{032}
issue EFN to (re)insert footnote{>}{<}EX{>}{<}

Part 2 -- Help screen:

b-gin [UNTITLED]
{EFN,EFN2,EFN3,EFN/NV,EFN*,EFN#*}[cr|lf][cr|lf]Edit a footnot
e,{<}MDSU{>}*{<}MDNM{>} or create a new note, in a separate (
regular, freestanding, resizeable) window, then insert the ed
ited note back into the main file[cr|lf]---[cr|lf]{<}MDSU{>}*
{<}MDNM{>} "Footnote" or "note" means any embedded FN command
{>}[cr|lf] EFN[;2|3][/NV][cr|lf]Issue EFN {<}MDUL{>
}twice{<}MDNM{>}: once to open a note for editing (or to crea
te a new note), a second time to insert the edited footnote b
ack into the main file. See detailed Instructions, below.[cr
) To edit a footnote (or create a new footnote):{<}MDNM{>}[cr
|lf]With cursor on note to edit (or with cursor at insertion{032}
point for new note):[cr|lf] EFN[cr|lf]EFN displays{032}
the footnote contents in a file named EFN.SAV, located in the
 main XyWrite|NB program directory (any existing file so name
d is OVERWRITTEN). Edit EFN.SAV as desired. As with any fil
e, {<}MDIT{>}SAve EFN.SAV frequently when performing extended
 edits.{<}MDNM{>}[cr|lf]To discard edits, do NOT proceed to s
tep B); ABort EFN.SAV.[cr|lf]{<}MDUL{>}B) To insert an edited
 note into the main file:{<}MDNM{>}[cr|lf]With EFN.SAV in the
 current window and the main file in the alternate screen{<}M
DIT{>} with the cursor on the target footnote{<}MDNM{>}, issu
e:[cr|lf] EFN[cr|lf]The on-screen contents of EFN.S
AV are inserted into the footnote, {<}MDIT{>}replacing any ex
isting footnote content.{<}MDNM{>}[cr|lf]The main file is not
 SAved.[cr|lf]If the cursor is not on a footnote in the main{032}
file (alternate screen), you will be prompted to reposition t
he cursor, switch back to EFN.SAV, and try again.[cr|lf][cr|l
f]{<}MDUL{>}Caution{<}MDNM{>}[cr|lf]EFN does {<}MDIT{>}not{<}
MDNM{>} bind EFN.SAV to the main file or to any particular fo
otnote in the main file. If a file o
ther than the main file is in the alternate screen when EFN is issued to reinsert a note, you will get an error m
essage -- if you are fortunate enough that the cursor does no
t happen to be on a footnote; if the cursor is on a note, its
 contents will be overwritten! (If the file has been SAved,{032}
you can recover from this error by issuing RECA.) {
<}MDIT{>}It is the user's responsibility to ensure that the c
ursor is properly located in the alternate window -- in the m
ain file, on the correct footnote -- before reissuing EFN.{<}MDNM{>}[cr|lf][cr|lf]{<}MDUL{>}Taking Edits from Ano
ther Source File{<}MDNM{>}[cr|lf]To insert edits from a sourc
e {<}MDIT{>}other than EFN.SAV{<}MDNM{>}, put the source file
 in the current window (instead of EFN.SAV) and issue EFN/NV<
Helpkey> (instead of EFN). In all other respects, I
nstruction B) above applies.{<}MDNM{>}[cr|lf]The alternate so
urce file may not be an Untitled screen or a secondary copy o
f a file [filename displayed in square brackets][cr|lf]See al
so "Saving a Work in Progress", below.[cr|lf][cr|lf]{<}MDUL{>
}Saving a Work in Progress{<}MDNM{>}[cr|lf]To save your footn
ote edits as a work in progress, SAve EFN.SAV {<}MDIT{>}under
 a new filename{<}MDNM{>} (e.g., SA/NE d:\path\mynote1.txt) {<}MDIT{>}before using EFN to edit another footnote.{<}
MDNM{>} (Issuing EFN to edit a new note will cause{032}
EFN.SAV to be overwritten!) When you are ready to incorporat
e your saved note into the main file, open your footnote file
 (e.g., CAll d:\path\mynote1.txt), and, with the main{032}
file in the alternate screen and the cursor on the desired fo
otnote, issue:[cr|lf] EFN/NV[cr|lf]The /NV switch m
ust be used to force EFN to accept edits from a file other th
an EFN.SAV. See "Taking Edits from Another Source File", abo
ve.[cr|lf][cr|lf]{<}MDUL{>}Creating a Note in a Specified Ser
ies{<}MDNM{>}[cr|lf]XyWrite and NB support up to three separa
tely-numbered series of notes within
 a document (native commands FN2 and FN3). You can use EFN t
o create a new series 2 or series 3 note; specify the series{032}
number in the framename (command), thus:[cr|lf] EFN2 or EFN3[cr|lf]It is not necessary (although harmle
ss) to include the series number when editing an existing not
e in series 2 or 3. The series number of the edited note wil
l be maintained without additional user effort, provided that
 the cursor is properly positioned on the note when EFN is issued the second time. See "Caution", above.[cr|lf][
cr|lf]{<}FC{>}[cr|lf]Renumber EFN in PACK mode[cr|lf]Default{032}
Save/Get Range=50; 56-59[cr|lf]OPTION (1): FREEZE 50[cr|lf]{<

Carl Distefano