Hmmm. I'm wondering exactly how many lines are displayed? What about my
immediately previous msg -- checking the Height=25 values with VA/NV [$]SL and
in the Properties/Default dialogs? Do that carefully.
I reported that in the message I just sent: both return 50.
Does the
cursor also disappear with ordinary files?
Seems fine tootling around in text files. The problem seems to
occur only in directories.
I would check your setting for your Graphics Adapter. What value does
VA/NV GA report? Should be "VG" with all modern displays.
It is vg.
VA/NV EG should
report zero,
Nope, reports 1.
otherwise you're going to get very wierd displays (you definitely
do NOT have an IBM Enhanced Graphics Adapter -- nobody has had one for quite a
few years).
You know, I just realized I've been telling you my laptop is a
T50, but it's not, it's an R50e.
Product page says Video chipset: * 64MB Intel 855GM video chipset
Gotta go for a while.
Robert Holmgren