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Re: Three questions

Reply to note from wbass@xxxxxxxx Tue, 16 Dec 2008 14:06:09 -
0700 (MST)

> 1. When folks define a subroutine with the SU command, it is
> common to put a NO (No Operation) primitive at the end of the
> routine. Can anyone tell me where I can find existing
> documentation that has been written about why that is done?

Download and unzip http://holmgren.home.acedsl.com/kbd-pm.zip.
This archive contains two files, KBD-PM.TXT and XY-KBD.TXT. In
KBD-PM.TXT, SEarch for "Extra start command"; read that section of
the text. In XY-KBD.TXT, SEarch for "SAve routine" and read on for a
tip on how to avoid having a PRompt extinguished by the terminating
func NO in a SUbroutine.

> 2. Does the problem that sometime made this necessary with
> XyWrite III still exist in XyWrite IV? In NoteBene 8?

No. It was cured starting with Signature|Xy4.

> 3. If I, or someone else, has "XyWrite stuff" (e.g., files of
> most any description) of possible general value to the XyWrite
> "user community," but I (or they) do not actually want to put
> the stuff on a server that I (or they) would have to maintain,
> what places currently exist as repositories for such material,
> and how is the availability of material on such repositories
> made known to the XyWrite community?

Send them to Robert and me; we'd be pleased to have a look; we
archive materials of general interest at our XyWWWeb site
(users.datarealm.com/xywwweb/). Your material might also find a home at
www.xywrite.com, maintained by Brian Henderson.

Carl Distefano